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Sayaka Higuchi & Joscha Engel
SAYAKA HIGUCHI & JOSCHA ENGEL Coming from different individual backgrounds, this professional and young couple is far from any clichés. They have profoundly studied all styles and traditional approaches to Tango as well as contemporary dance forms, latin ballroom, different musical instruments and martial arts. With a lot of experience, dedication and commitment, they bring a new understanding of movement into the world of tango – a new way for their students, immediately to enjoy and profoundly develop a personal connection to the beauty of Argentine Tango. Sayaka and Joschas dance and teaching, connects a healthy body development to the beauty of clear aesthetics and musical interpretation. This couple is merging the newest health oriented body education, mechanics from various moving arts and training methods with most actual insights of their own research on energy flows and the connection between two dancers. The goal is to feel good and quickly be able to enjoy improvisation, musicality and equal communication between the dancers. With their method anybody can quickly learn to enjoy and improvise argentine tango in an individual way. The students regularly report a strong improvement of body awareness and feeling with their partners, as well as relaxation and healthier body alignment. In the world of Argentine Tango, Sayaka and Joscha are highly appreciated and regularly invited to teach seminars and workshops as well as perform their unique way of dancing Argentine Tango in communities and festivals in various places around the world. We are happy to have them on board sharing their new system of teaching and developing tango on --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEACHING IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH ONLY!!!


SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Grundlagen/Beginner: 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Grundlagen/Beginner: 1 "Gewichtswechsel, Umarmung und Gehen"

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginner/ Lesson 1 Change of

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginner/ Lesson 1 Change of weight and walk  

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch/ Grundlagen/Beginner: 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch/ Grundlagen/Beginner: 2 Spurwechsel und das Kreuz

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginners/ Lesson 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginners/ Lesson 2 Outside walk and Cross

Sayaka & Joscha/ Deutsche / Soltadas 1

Sayaka & Joscha/ German / Soltadas - Verbindung & Intention 1
25 / 02 / 2019 @ 15:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 1 / Connection & Intention
25 / 02 / 2019 @16:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Soltadas 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Zwischenstufe / Soltadas 2
07 / 03 / 2019 @ 20:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 2
07 / 03 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginner/ Lesson 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Beginner/ Lesson 3
Forwards Ocho

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Grundlagen/Beginner: 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Grundlagen/Beginner: 3
Vorwärts Ocho

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Soltadas 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Soltadas 3/ Neue Möglichkeiten.
12 / 03 /2019 Tuesday @20:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int / Soltadas 3 / different applications
12 / 03 / 2019 Tuesday @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA /Deutsch/int/Kreuze-Variationen-1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA /Deutsch/int/Kreuze-Variationen-1
19 / 03 / 2019 Dienstag @ 20:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int /Cross & Variations-1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int /Cross & Variations-1
19 / 03 / 2019 Tuesday @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Kreuze Variationen 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Kreuze Variationen 2
26 / 03 / 2019 @20:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Cross Variations 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Cross Variations 2
26 / 03 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA /Deutsch/int/Kreuze-Variationen-3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA /Deutsch/int/Kreuze-Variationen-3
02 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int /Cross & Variations-3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int /Cross & Variations-3
02 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Boleos Vorwärts 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Boleos Vorwärts 1 - Technik & Timing
09 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int/ Boleos forward 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int/ Boleos forward 1 - Technique & Timing
09 / 04 / 2019 @ 21:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int/ Boleos forward 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English/ Int/ Boleos forward 2
16 / 04 / 2019 @ 21:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Boleos Vorwärts 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch /Int/ Boleos Vorwärts 2
16 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:30 

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Boleos rückwärts 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche /Int / Boleos rückwärts 1 - Technik & Timing
23 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Back Boleos - 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Int / Back Boleos - 1- Technique & Timing 
23 / 04 / 2019 @ 21:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Boleos rückwärts 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Boleos rückwärts 2
30 / 04 / 2019 @ 20:30

Sayaka & Joscha / English / Boleos Back 2

Sayaka & Joscha / English / Boleos Back 2
 30 / 04 / 2019 @ 21:00 

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Boleos angewandt 1

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsche / Intermediate / Boleos angewandt 1 - verschiedene Möglichkeiten
07 / 05 / 2019 @ 20:30

Sayaka & Joscha / English/ Boleos applied 1

Sayaka & Joscha / English/ Intermediate / Boleos applied 1 - various possibilities.
07 / 05 /2019 @21:00 

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Boleos angewandt 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Boleos angewandt 2
14 / 05 / 2019 @ 20:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Boleos applied - 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Int / Boleos applied - 2 - various possibilities
14 / 05 / 2019 @ 21:00

Sayaka & Joscha / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 1

Sayaka & Joscha / Deutsch /Int/ Richtungswechsel 1
28 / 05 / 2019 @ 20:30 

Sayaka & Joscha / English / Change of directions 1

Sayaka & Joscha / English / Int / Change of directions 1
28 / 05 / 2019 @ 21:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 2 -Rebounds für Drehungen
03 / 06 / 2019 @ 18:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Change of Directions 2

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Change of Directions 2 -Rebounds for turns
03 / 06 / 2019 @ 18:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 3
17 / 06 / 2019 @ 18:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Change of Directions 3

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Intermediate / Change of Directions 3
17 / 06 / 2019  @ 18:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Richtungswechsel 4

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Deutsch / Int / Richtungswechsel 4
24 / 06 / 2019 @ 18:00

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Change of Directions 4

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / English / Int / Change of Directions 4
24 / 06 / 2019 @18:30

SAYAKA & JOSCHA / Eng/Beginner 4- Back Ochos


SAYAKA & JOSCHA / De/Beginner 4-Rückwärts Ochos


SAYAKA & JOSCHA /ENG/Beginner 5-Combination 1


SAYAKA & JOSCHA / De/ Beginner5- Kombination 1


Sayaka & Joscha / Eng/Beginner 6 - Turns 1


Sayaka & Joscha / De / Beginner 6 -Drehungen 1


Sayaka & Joscha / De / Beginner 7 -Drehungen 2


Sayaka & Joscha / Eng/Beginner 7-Turns 2


Sayaka & Joscha/Eng/Beginners 8- Turns3

S&J Beginners 8 - Turns 3 & Summary

Sayaka & Joscha/ DE/ Beginners 8 - Drehungen 3

S&J Beginners 8 - Drehungen 3 und Zusammenfassung


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